Tuesday, 5 December 2006


I have already posted about skream, but i was chatting to a mate this morning, and we were exchanging songs its important to share these convos. Dubstep is like a quarter beat drum n bass, or half 2 step i think, i have no real technical music but it seems to be how it works, it takes heavy influence from most of the urban scenes but somehow it does sound as fresh as it is. Its mainly because it uses the bass and sub bass as its beats, rather than the mid ranges. Compared with other new london urban scenes, its more cutting edge than most grime, and it seems to have a real DIY quality appreciated by people outside of its influeces, as this documentary might help to show: Dubstep doc
Kode 9 and the space ape - Addiction (MP3)
mala digital mystikz - Give Jah glory (MP3)
Skream - Dubbers Anonymous (MP3)

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